Knowing you are taking the right steps to support your production line starts at the design stage. At Barlow Manufacturing our Engineers work with you from the get- go, so that together we can transform your requirements into productive realities.
Our recommendations are based on thorough research and comprehensive evaluation of your current operations and future needs. We can design from scratch or build to your customer specifications. Identify the need and we will customize the solution.
Computer-aided-design (CAD) technologies create the most efficient and economical configurations
CSWP (Certified Solidworks Professionals) on staff
Complete systems or single or multiple units to connect easily to existing systems
Detailed evaluation of volume and speed parameters for optimal product flow
Where possible standard components used to reduce system costs and facilitate maintenance and repair requirements
Bolted construction provides easy parts replacement
Drive units specified to meet power requirements
Maintenance free bearings
Work within minimal floor space, any configuration shape